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Leadership and Identity


Leadership and Identity
ma, 18. juli 2016 - vr, 22. juli 2016


The Integration of Spirituality in Healthcare, Welfare and Education

Awareness is growing about the importance of meaning, spirituality and ethics in organizations. After a period of strengthening rationalization, leadership is challenged to bring in a humane perspective. Spiritual caregivers, physicians, psychologists, social workers, nurses and teachers deal with this issue. It stimulates reflection on identity: the identity of the individual professional worker, of the multidisciplinary cooperation and of the organization in general. Is it possible to combine rationalization and humanization? What kind of leadership do we need in our time, especially for this identity reflection?

See: https://www.radboudumc.nl/Zorg/Afdelingen/GeestelijkeVerzorgingenPastoraat/Pages/LeadershipandIdentity.aspx

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